Make someone smile when you hand them a cash card from The Movies. The new Cine Card makes the perfect gift for any occasion, including:
- Valentine’s Day
- Birthdays
- Graduations
- Father’s Day & Mother’s Day
- Christmas

It’s good towards movies and concession and is available for the minimum purchase of AWG 15. You can catch the latest blockbuster movie or use it at our concession to enjoy delicious popcorn, refreshing soft drinks, candies or other food.
To purchase the Cine Card, just stop by during opening hours at the box offices of the Movies Renaissance Marketplace, The Movies IMAX Gloria or the Movies Principal. The Cine Card also gives you as cardholder the option to redeposit money at any time. Use it like cash! 
To purchase a large number of Cine Cards please contact us via email and phone number is 523-6891.